Joining the Waiting list
Upon inquiry to the centre, families are encouraged to join the waiting list. The waiting list is set up by date of inquiry, and then assessed regularly to highlight priority families.
We encourage new families to call the centre and discuss the waiting list as this is a great opportunity for you to ask any initial questions. Should you choose to fill out a 'Waiting List Form', we will call you once received.
It is usually impossible to predict the length of time it may take for a child to get a position, but parents are encouraged to call the centre for updates as often as they like.
How the ‘Waiting list’ works..
1. A Family inquires about a position for their child and joins the waiting list by giving personal and contact details on a Waiting List form.
2. When a position becomes available the waiting list is assessed by date and family circumstances by the Management Team
3. The next child on the list that is deemed a priority (as determined by the Management Team) is offered the available position
4. If the position is declined, the next child on the waiting list is assessed, and the family contacted
5. Families do not have to accept an offer, however if they decline a position, they risk being moved to the end of the waiting list
6. If the position is accepted, the enrollment process begins
*If a child on the waiting list exceeds the age of the waiting list they are currently on (for example a child on Babies waiting list reaches 18 months old), they will be moved to the next age groups waiting list, and will be slotted in by date order, of when they joined the list. This may affect the position of others who are already on that list.
*The Department of Education allows each service to prioritise enrollments as they see fit.
Priority of Access
Families who are offered a position when 1 parent is unemployed will not be classed as a high priority. If this is the case, the family will have 6 weeks from the date of the position being offered to gain employment. Should employment not be gained in this time, the position may be cancelled at the discretion of the Management team to allow a higher priority family to receive care. Should employment be ceased for either parent during the period a child is enrolled at the Ewin ELC, the parent will have 6 weeks to engage in new employment or activities before their child’s position is reviewed.
The Management Team has the discretion to:
- Reduce or cease the child’s position should the parent remain unemployed after 6 weeks
- Re-enrol the child in the future as a priority
- Reduce a child’s days at any time if another child is deemed a higher priority for a position
Upon inquiry to the centre, families are encouraged to join the waiting list. The waiting list is set up by date of inquiry, and then assessed regularly to highlight priority families.
We encourage new families to call the centre and discuss the waiting list as this is a great opportunity for you to ask any initial questions. Should you choose to fill out a 'Waiting List Form', we will call you once received.
It is usually impossible to predict the length of time it may take for a child to get a position, but parents are encouraged to call the centre for updates as often as they like.
How the ‘Waiting list’ works..
1. A Family inquires about a position for their child and joins the waiting list by giving personal and contact details on a Waiting List form.
2. When a position becomes available the waiting list is assessed by date and family circumstances by the Management Team
3. The next child on the list that is deemed a priority (as determined by the Management Team) is offered the available position
4. If the position is declined, the next child on the waiting list is assessed, and the family contacted
5. Families do not have to accept an offer, however if they decline a position, they risk being moved to the end of the waiting list
6. If the position is accepted, the enrollment process begins
*If a child on the waiting list exceeds the age of the waiting list they are currently on (for example a child on Babies waiting list reaches 18 months old), they will be moved to the next age groups waiting list, and will be slotted in by date order, of when they joined the list. This may affect the position of others who are already on that list.
*The Department of Education allows each service to prioritise enrollments as they see fit.
Priority of Access
Families who are offered a position when 1 parent is unemployed will not be classed as a high priority. If this is the case, the family will have 6 weeks from the date of the position being offered to gain employment. Should employment not be gained in this time, the position may be cancelled at the discretion of the Management team to allow a higher priority family to receive care. Should employment be ceased for either parent during the period a child is enrolled at the Ewin ELC, the parent will have 6 weeks to engage in new employment or activities before their child’s position is reviewed.
The Management Team has the discretion to:
- Reduce or cease the child’s position should the parent remain unemployed after 6 weeks
- Re-enrol the child in the future as a priority
- Reduce a child’s days at any time if another child is deemed a higher priority for a position