"The educational leader has an influential role in inspiring, motivating, affirming and also challenging or extending the practice and pedagogy of educators.
It is a joint endeavour involving inquiry and reflection, which can significantly impact on the important work educators do with children and families.”
Some of the following strategies will be considered and implemented within the centre, to improve the educational program and curriculum:
· leading and being part of reflective discussions about practice and implementing the learning framework
· mentoring other educators by leading quality practice
· discussing routines and how to make them more effective learning experiences
· observing children and educator interactions, and making suggestions on how to improve interactions and intentional teaching
· talking to parents about the educational program 2 Information sheet – Educational leader
· working with other early childhood professionals such maternal and child health nurses and early childhood intervention specialists
· considering how the program can be linked to the community by working with other community services and groups such as Aboriginal Elders
· establishing systems across the service to ensure there is continuity of learning when children change room or attend other services, and then in their transition to school
· assisting with documenting children’s learning and how these assessments can inform curriculum decision making.
Our Educational Leader - Tess Archer
It is a joint endeavour involving inquiry and reflection, which can significantly impact on the important work educators do with children and families.”
Some of the following strategies will be considered and implemented within the centre, to improve the educational program and curriculum:
· leading and being part of reflective discussions about practice and implementing the learning framework
· mentoring other educators by leading quality practice
· discussing routines and how to make them more effective learning experiences
· observing children and educator interactions, and making suggestions on how to improve interactions and intentional teaching
· talking to parents about the educational program 2 Information sheet – Educational leader
· working with other early childhood professionals such maternal and child health nurses and early childhood intervention specialists
· considering how the program can be linked to the community by working with other community services and groups such as Aboriginal Elders
· establishing systems across the service to ensure there is continuity of learning when children change room or attend other services, and then in their transition to school
· assisting with documenting children’s learning and how these assessments can inform curriculum decision making.
Our Educational Leader - Tess Archer